Monday, June 15, 2009

Motherhood and Apple Pie

Not all visions are equal. Some never get beyond the 'motherhood and apple pie' stage - good ideas that unleash no energy for change. The reason for this lies in a paradox: there's nothing more personal than vision, yet the visions that ultimately prove transformative have nothing to do with individuals.

The resolution of this paradox come about through the seeds of transformation that lie in seeing our reality as clearly as we can without preconceptions and judgments. When we see our part in creating things we don't like but that are likely to continue, we can begin to develop a different relationship with 'our problem.' We're no longer victims.

We're led to the question, "So what is it we want to create?" When I read the Creating a New Vision for Public Education in Texas I see this question addressed.

Many visions are doomed from from the outset because those who articulate them, whether consciously or not, are coming for a place of powerlessness. If we believe that we have no power over our present reality, what is the basis for believing that we can create a different future?

A saying attributed to Margaret Mead states, "Never doubt that a small group of committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it's the only thing that ever has." I totally believe it. You can do almost anything with just 5 people. With only one person, its hard - but when you put that one person with four or five more, you have a force to contend with.

This is why WE NEED YOUR HELP.